Some people tend to be more proactive about their health than others. These people are the ones who usually choose to undergo annual life line screenings to monitor their health. Diagnostic tests like these can help avoid disabling conditions and life-threatening diseases. 80% of chronic conditions can be prevented and the 6 for Life tests can be your best bet.
What is the 6 for Life?
6 for Life is a group of diagnostic laboratory tests designed to examine your risk of getting the top 6 major chronic conditions. Included in these are stroke Cheap Sports Jerseys , diabetes, coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping , and lung cancer.
Stroke takes the number 4 spot in the leading fatal conditions following heart diseases and cancer. Stroke attacks can lead to disability. According to reports, 80% of stroke cases can be prevented. Taking the test for stroke risk factors can reduce the chances of experiencing it.
To determine the possibility of stroke, there are various screenings that must be performed. Some of these are carotid artery disease screening, atrial fibrillation tests Cheap Jerseys Wholesale , complete lipid panel tests, glucose screening, and C-reactive protein tests.
About 10 million Americans have diabetes. This condition is very alarming since it can result to renal diseases, heart diseases Cheap Jerseys From China , end-stage renal diseases, and even amputation. Undergoing a GlucoseType 2 diabetes screening can help you identify the risk of having this disease. Heart Disease
Known as the number 1 killer disease, numerous Americans often undergo heart disease tests. Risk factors are analyzed including the patient’s cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and even family history.
Congestive Heart Failure
About 5 million Americans suffer from CHF. It also holds the record of the number 1 reason for hospitalization of numerous seniors. Life line screenings can determine the presence of this condition.
Every 4 minutes Cheap Jerseys China , an American dies of COPD. It is also one of the leading causes of disability. A disease risk assessment specially spirometry can help identify COPD.
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer may be the second most common cancer but it is the number one killer cancer. 6 for Life disease risk assessment can also detect the presence of this fatal condition.
What the Test Means?
Through the screening, patients will get a risk score --- low, moderate, high Cheap Jerseys , or very high that will signify the possibility of having the disease. A summary report will show all your results plus particular recommendations on how to lessen the risk or treat your condition.
Taking these screenings immediately can detect the conditions early and immediate treatment and medication can already be recommended. Prior to taking exams, also seek the advice of your physician of the needs and the importance of diagnostic tests. Ask your doctor which of the 6 for Life you should undergo. After that, contact your preferred diagnostic laboratory and know what you need and how you can prepare for life line screenings. Undergo the screenings today and live a worry free and healthy life.
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