ROME, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Two quarrymen were reported as missing in Italy on Thursday after a wall of marble in the quarry where they were working in central Italy collapsed, local media said.
Another worker was rescued after firefighters found him hanging by a rope, while a fourth man, reportedly the quarry's responsible, was taken to hospital in a state of shock, ANSA news agency said.
The accident happened in a large quarry in the Apuan Alps, a mountain range in Tuscany region which contains immense deposits of marble, named "marble of Carrara" after the name of a nearby city, and considered as one of the most precious marbles in the world.
According to first reconstructions, the three men were on top of a mountain to check the marble cutting when a wall of rock, almost 2,000 tons of marble, suddenly crumbled, and two of them who were not wearing a harness fell down for about 30 meters along with their cutting machine.
The two quarrymen, aged 55 and 46, were reportedly buried by marble slabs and other debris.
The search for them was expected to continue through the night, ANSA said. Meanwhile firefighters were at work to secure the area, and an investigation was opened to ascertain possible responsibilities, Rai state television said.
Deaths from work accidents in Italy have dropped over the past few years, though hundreds of fatalities are still registered every year.
Tougher penalties for breaking work safety regulations were introduced in 2008 reforms, but experts say it is not enough.
"What happened in Carrara today is another terrible tragedy for the labor world," a senator of ruling Democratic Party (PD) who is part of the parliament's work accidents commission, Daniele Borioli, said.
"It is clear that we need to be increasingly committed to tackle at their roots the unsafe conditions that are still putting in peril the health and the life of workers," he stressed.
Finance > Insurance > Home InsuranceHome Equity Loan : Loansmagician
Real estate prices across the country have skyrocketed in the last five or six years. Low interest rates, combined with a lack of trust in the stock market has led to a tremendous inflow of capital into real estate. To put that in perspective, take into account the median household income, which is a little over 44,000 ,dollar and compare that with the national median home price of 216,000 dollar, a very high multiple. Of course, in many metropolitan areas ( ) where a large fraction of the nation聮s population lives, the rise has been even more spectacular. San Francisco has seen the median home price rise from 395 ,000 dollar in 2000 to 713,000 dollar in early 2005
For those who did not get in at the right time, the situation is lamentable, many others, on the other hand , find themselves sitting on potential gold mines 聳 in many cases they have witnessed the doubling, trebling or even quadrupling of their investments in a matter of a few years. Walking and sleeping on land that has appreciated under your eyes is a satisfying experience, and some people are quite happy to count their chickens without wanting to cash-in on their gains. Others, for whatever reasons want to enjoy their newfound wealth. Home equity loans offer an opportunity to do just that.
The fact that property prices have risen means that more Americans than ever before are eligible for home equity loans. Let me illustrate that by an example 聳 say you bought a home for 300,000 dollar five years ago , putting down 20% (60,000 dollar) at that time. If you have a typical thirty-year fixed mortgage then you have not made a significant dent in the principal (in this case the loan principal is 240,000 dollar) in the first five years. Now suppose, quite realistically in many cases, that the house value has appreciated from 300 ,000 dollar five years ago to 500,000 dollar today. In this case your equity in the house would have jumped from 60,000 dollar (your down payment) to 260,000 dollar (down payment plus unrealized capital gains). You would be eligible to take a loan against that increased equity. Most institutions are willing to extend home equity credit for upwards of 50% of total equity in the home.
Now that we have established that a rising real estate market has produced many more potential candidates for home equity lines of credit, let us show why this is a financially savvy way of consolidating loans or of securing financing. Whether the reasons are personal , such as Ferrari you have been drooling over, or for your home business, home equity loans are usually the best first option for obtaining liquidity. First, home equity loans take advantage of tax breaks that the federal and state governments give all homeowners 聳 all interest payments made to service the loan are tax exempt.
This advantage alone warrants serious consideration 聳 a family in the 30% federal income tax bracket will stand to save a substantial amount on a typical home equity loan. The implications of the tax advantage are such that many people with no need for additional credit take out home equity loans and invest elsewhere just so they can take advantage of Uncle Sam聮s generous handout. Second, home mortgages are handled a little differently from other consumer loans because of two reasons. First [url=http://w a tangible asset (i.e. the house, comprising of the value of the land and the material with which the house is constructed) and second, there is a huge industry that deals exclusively with home mortgages and home loans, resulting in a fiercely competitive environment. To the consumer, this results in significantly lower interest rates on home loans.