How Does Microdermabrasion Work? Health Articles | July 4 , 2012 Microdermabrasion is a procedure you may want to consider as a way to improve your skin. Make sure to know how it works before you proceed.
Microdermabrasion is a unique procedure that allows you to have healthy, youthful looking skin. This is a minimally invasive procedure. It does not hurt and it does not create any type of lasting complication to the way the skin looks and feels. For those who have old looking skin, whether it is from unhealthy conditions or a lack of care, this procedure can help to restore a great deal of that youth. By working with a specialist, you can ensure you get the best possible treatment and outcome for this procedure.
What Is It?
Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical method. In this treatment, the outer layer of the skin is removed. Keep in mind that this technique is not nearly as invasive or painful as traditional dermabrasion. It works as a method of sanding the skin down. In other words, a coarse material is used to remove the outer layer. This layer is often uneven and thicker, which causes it to look and feel older or more worn out. When this unhealthy skin is gone, the body's natural healing ability jumps in and starts to create new skin cells. Those cells are new - younger, healthier, and plump, rather than the old, dry and dead-looking cells you may have now.
How Can It Help?
This procedure is helpful in many situations. Doctors can effectively use it to treat conditions like light scarring or to remove sun damage from various areas. If you have areas of discoloration on the skin, this procedure can remove a great deal of that allowing your natural healing ability to create youthful, normal looking skin once the outer layer is removed. This method is also helpful for treatment of stretch marks. It will remove them so much so that you will have the youthful look you desire.
Keep In Mind
Before having this procedure, remember a few important things. First, you will need to use a professional for this procedure. It is not possible to create a healthy look with at-home products. Second, you may need to have more than one treatment depending on the type of condition you hope to improve and the current level of damage present. This method is not going to remove every birthmark from your skin, but it can help to hide many of them.
Talk to your doctor about how well microdermabrasion can work for you. It may be useful at getting rid of those small wrinkles or helping to hide acne scars. Age spots, large pores and some scarring can be treated to create a natural, beautiful looking you. Your skin is the outward expression of your beauty. There is no reason to hold onto those problem areas any longer.
Article Tags: Looking Skin, Outer Layer
QUANZHOU, Fujian, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) -- Traditional culture in Asia is a precious treasure that should be well preserved and developed through enhanced exchanges between countries, said Nobel laureate Mo Yan.
Mo Yan, China's Nobel Prize winner for literature, shared stories with participants at the 3rd Asia Cultural Forum in Quanzhou, east China's Fujian province.
Several days ago, ambassadors of more than 30 African countries visited a very small company in Guangzhou. The ambassador from Comoros said he looked forward to the visit because the company produces Artemisinin, a drug that could significantly reduce the mortality rates for patients suffering from malaria.
"In 2014, Comoros achieved zero fatality of malaria and the number of patients was down by 98 percent, thanks to the use of Artemisinin," Mo said. The drug also enabled Chinese herbal expert Tu Youyou to win the Nobel Prize of science.
According to Mo, Tu was inspired by one of China' s classical medicine books from more than 1,500 years ago.
"Many Asia countries have cultural heritage like this book," Mo said. "Through innovation and exchange, they could benefit people in modern times."
He also told the story of his friends from South Korea.
Once, while drinking, his Korean friend suddenly handed his own cup to Mo, and Mo did likewise, exchanging cups.
"In China there is an idiom: Tui Bei Huan Zhan, which literally means pushing the cup (on the table) and exchanging the glass," he said. By doing this, friends show intimacy.
"This is rarely seen in China now, while in South Korea the culture is preserved," he said. "This detail is a result of cultural exchange in the past."
Quanzhou is an important seaport on the Maritime Silk Road, through which ancient China conducted trade with other Asian countries.