Tinnitus is an ear disorder suffered by most of the people. Generally Cheap Custom Team Jerseys Sale , this happens with older people due to the nervous breakdown in their ears. However, this can happen in young people too due to poor lifestyle.
The symptoms of tinnitus include ringing, buzzing, swishing Cheap Custom Team Jerseys Free Shipping , humming, hissing, or whistling sound in the ear despite the absence of any sounds around you. If you think you keep hearing such sounds even in quietness, you should immediately consult a doctor because only an expert can find out the exact cause of tinnitus you are suffering from.
For some people Cheap Custom Team Jerseys From China , it might be just an annoying small sound heard every now and then while others hear loud, disturbing, ringing, or buzzing sounds that prevent the patient from hearing any other outside sound. The sufferer will not be able to concentrate on anything else and will not be able to lead a normal life.
The causes of tinnitus can be due to several reasons. Young people are exposed to loud noise or music and as a result they suffer from ear ringing problems. If there is more wax in the ear Cheap Custom Team Jerseys China , it can cause tinnitus.
Other causes of tinnitus can be due to head and neck injury, infection in the ear, high blood pressure, diabetes Cheap Custom Team Jerseys , cardiovascular diseases, certain overdose of drugs like aspirin, and also it can be a symptom of a tumor in the head or neck. You should not ignore the symptoms of ear ringing. Find out the exact cause for this ear problem and then you can decide on the method of treatment.
Tinnitus is termed as ‘Karnanaad’ in Ayurvedic concept. According to Ayurveda, it is caused due to vitiation of Vata dosha. Therefore Cheap Custom Jerseys Sale , any imbalance in this dosha such as sleeplessness, overstress, tired and weak nerves due to depression, continuous talking Cheap Custom Jerseys Free Shipping , doing overwork or exercise, and indigestion can cause tinnitus.
There are some natural Ayurveda herbs or medicinal plants and remedies that can tackle the problems of ear ringing.
Ginkgo biloba: You can use the extract of this herb to put in your ears for four to six weeks. It is an effective medicine that helps in treating tinnitus. This herb also helps in increasing the blood flow to the brain.
Goldenseal: This herb helps in giving relief from ear ringing. It can be either used as a single herb or in combination with black cohosh to treat tinnitus.
Black cohosh: This herb is useful in reducing the problem of ear ringing. To make it more effective, this herb can be used along with ginkgo biloba.
Sesame seeds: These seeds are used for the treatment of tinnitus in ayurveda. You can also use sesame oil to put in the ear to get relief from tinnitus. This is a good home remedy.
Castor oil: This oil is also beneficial in treating tinnitus. Use three to four drops of castor oil in each ear to get relief from ear ringing. This is also a good home remedy.
The Ayurvedic concept considers these natural Ayurveda herbs and home remedies to be very helpful in treating tinnitus. However, there are some Ayurveda herbs that should not be taken by pregnant women. Therefore Cheap Custom Jerseys From China , before using these Ayurvedic home remedies consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to make sure that these Ayurvedic remedies are safe for you to use in treating tinnitus.
This article is published on behalf of Charles L Harmon and here are his websites:
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