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3 Methods Of Building Residual Income Online ECommerce Articles | January 24, 2009 There are a lot of ways to create residual income streams online. This article outlines three effective ways of making residual income with affiliate marketing.
One of the most powerful aspects of internet marketing is the ability to earn residual income on the products and services that we sell. Getting paid again and again for something we had to do only once has proven to be a goldmine of opportunity for network, affiliate and internet marketers.
Unlike products with a one-time fee Cheap Shaquille O’Neal Jersey , those that offer a residual income compensation plan must provide additional incentive for the user to stay one with the service or membership. Quality is the name of the game and those products and services that fail at providing sufficient quality for a person to continue using it, they will fail at making any long-term profit with it.
A very simple, but effective way of earning residual income is by becoming an affiliate marketer. Here are three simple ways how you can build a residual income stream for the future and do it with the help of affiliate marketing.
1. Two tier affiliate programs
Two tier affiliate marketing programs work great for people who are willing to spend time educating and motivating their affiliates. Recruiting and sponsoring may not be a problem Cheap Vince Carter Jersey , but keeping those people active could be. _that is why it is crucial not only to sell products and sponsor sub-affiliates, but it is vital for you to spend time sharing your tactics, strategies and methods to allow duplication within your team.
url] , they buy the subscription and you get paid every month for as long as they stay a member. This is how most of the gurus and big name internet marketers are making the majority of their income.