Windows Media Player 10 has been full of bugs from Microsoft since they offered it as a download from their site. Windows Media Player 9 was nice and simple. Windows Media Player 10 is way too complex and feature-rich that it has taken away from the simpleness of version 9 and ruined itself. Another great media player is Winamp but we won't go into that right now.
If you have installed Windows Media Player 10 Mike Hoffman Jersey Womens , you can roll back to the version of the Player that was on your computer before installing Windows Media Player 10.
To roll back from Windows Media Player 10 to a previous version, do the following:
Now do one of the following: If you are running Windows XP Service Pack 2, select the Show updates check box (at the top of the list) Anton Stralman Jersey Womens , click Windows Media Player 10 (in the Windows Updates section), and then click ChangeRemove.
If you are running Windows XP Service Pack 1 or earlier Aaron Ekblad Jersey Womens , click Windows Media Player 10, and then click ChangeRemove.
As of writing this many people have found bugs in WMP10 that make it unavailble for common audio and video files. If you find that WMP10 is crashing or giving you errors and you cant play your media files. Uninstall it with these directions and stay happy.
Be like the rest of the world and install Winamp.
Ken Savage is a Webmaster employee who writes about what is going on in the Tech industry usually days before it breaks to the rest of the world. He can be found at With the current economic down trend we should all be looking at alternative means in the ways that we can cut down on our expenses. One area that has been targeted the most is our means of transport. It has been highly recommended for people to use public transport and other options such as cycling. Even though they seem good on paper Keith Yandle Jersey Womens , there are certain ideas that are not practical in the day and age that we live in especially with the lifestyle that we all experience in the United States of America.
You would not expect one to make use of a rental car service for their every day means of transport as that would be very costly and not practical. The most common time when a rental car service is used is when one goes on holiday. Even though these are times to cut back on our expenses, completely avoiding a life style pattern that has been followed for the past four generations is not the answer.
Unless we the public start spending Roberto Luongo Jersey Womens , with limits, in the market and go about our every day lives as we use to Sergei Bobrovsky Jersey Womens , the country will remain in a constant financial epic. Everything needs to be done in moderation and the same goes for choosing a rental car service. When looking for a rental car service there are various things that you have to keep in mind. Does it include your insurance premium? Are you entitled to free break down cover? What happens in the case of an accident? Etc.
Asking such questions are vital before opting for just any rental car service as if you are not careful, this can end up being quite costly on your pocket. One of the best ways to find the perfect rental car service deal is by looking online. There are many rental car comparison websites that will simply allow you to compare a number of rental companies with a few simple clicks.
All they would require is the type of car you are after Evgenii Dadonov Jersey Womens , the duration of the rent lease and the purpose of initial use. There will be many rental car offers that will catch your eyes more than others and obviously those would be the ones that are cheaper. Even though we should be looking for something cheap you want to make sure that cost saving does not end there.
The problem with such companies that offer really low premiums in comparison to other leasing companies is that they usually don't offer other necessary necessities that are vital to the over all idea of cost saving. In such cases you would most likely have to arrange for your own insurance and break down cover.