What is an MLM Lead? And why would you need an MLM lead to work? In Network Marketing Womens Kailer Yamamoto Jersey , many times we run out of warm market, or we simply do not have many friends in an area. MLM leads help you to find people that are interested in a Network Marketing Home Business. They have called in either off of an ad, or maybe off of an internet site, and indicated they have an interest in a home based business.
After having worked MLM Leads for 8 years, and made over 50,000 phone calls Womens Alex Chiasson Jersey , there are some things that you need to know. MLM leads are a great way to work MLM, but there are 10 things you need realize about MLM Leads. They can be a GOLD MINE, or an empty shaft. You must learn the difference.
1)They are NOT a guaranteed Sale or Recruit.
Just because they have indicated an interest, does not mean they are a done deal. They are simply many times "kicking tires" and checking to see what is out there. Make sure you know that they are serious about looking at your company.
2)They many times are NOT truly willing to change their life.
What a lead says, and what a lead does are 2 different things many times. You must be aware that they may change their mind once they realize they have to change some things in their life. Many people are apathetic. Move on when they show you this.
3)An MLM Lead is usually very skeptical and guarded.
This is normal. Many people who you will call, will want to get to know you first Womens Cam Talbot Jersey , and then take a serious look at your offer. Develop the relationship, for that is what will develop the Success.
4)An MLM lead is NOT a source of future Volume. Only a POTENTIAL Source.
The potential of an MLM lead can be HUGE, or nothing. That is why that you call them. There may be a gold mine waiting to be dug in that lead, or it may end up being a pile of dirt as far as potential. You must understand that. You qualify them and then make your decision if they are worth pursuing.
5)There are many leads that have been burned before with other MLM companies.
Many MLM leads you call have had a home business before, but got burned from dishonest people. They carry that "hurt" into your conversation, and you must be sensitive to it. Let them tell you about it Womens Kyle Brodziak Jersey , and you listen. You will be surprised at the good that can do for them, and you. They will respect your willingness to listen, and care.
6)An MLM Lead IS looking for something, but you must find out what that something is.
You MUST find what the lead is looking for. Financial Security? Recognition? Training? Personal Development? Freedom? Pay for kid's college? To quit their job? All of these are possibilities, and you must zero in on what they are looking for. Once you discover it, help them obtain it with your company.
One of the great things about MLM leads as they are human, and most want a better life for themselves and family. They have dreams, and goals. You just talk to them about their dreams, and their desires and hope for their life. Make their dream a priority in your initial conversation. You will be surprised at their response to your interest in helping them achieve their Dreams.
I call it the "ADP." The Amazing Disappearing Prospect. Many leads you call, will try and lead you on because they appear to want to be chased and that makes them feel important. Do NOT chase them. If they disappear, let them go. There are more leads out there than you can count. Go to the next one.
9)An MLM Lead CAN make you rich.
You read that right. There are many folks that have been called, and recruited, and have exploded into the industry. But you MUST be persistent in working the numbers. They WILL show up, if you simply let them. Don't give up Womens Tobias Rieder Jersey , because they WILL show up if you persist. And potential wealth is waiting on that list of leads you have.
10)It is NOT a working the Numbers game, but EFFECTIVELY working the numbers with MLM Leads.
Many people have called a lot of MLM leads, and they have never hit it big. Why? Lack of effective impact on the prospect. Working the numbers effectively is focusing on the lead, getting to know them, finding out what they are looking for, understanding they may not be truly interested Womens Ryan Strome Jersey , and caring more about what is right for them, then what is right for your paycheck. If you keep that focus, you will win HUGE with MLM Leads.
Here is a BONUS Reality- It is NOT the MLM Lead as much as what you DO with it.
How can one person call 100 leads and get nothing, and another call the same lead list and recruit 10 people? It is what you DO with the lead, not what you just say. Focus on what they want, and not what you want. Be their friend Womens Adam Larsson Jersey , and care more about THEIR paycheck than yours. Show them you can help transform their life, and future.
MLM leads are a great way to find incredible people, if you understand the realities of what you are dealing with. It is fun making new friends, and many can become friends for life. That is the Real Power of Network Marketing, and MLM Leads.
PassionFire Intl doug@ (c) 2005all rights reserved
Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM network Marketing Trainers, Speakers Womens Kris Russell Jersey , and Authors in the world. His training ezine is read by over a million people a month, and he travels the world training and speaking. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can get a FREE subscription to his training letter at and you can reach him at doug@ . FREE daily training audios available onsite. Science And Religion In Perspective Posted by nick_niesen on October 27th, 2010