From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact Cheap Real Air Jordan Shoes , ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.
Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.
The Hero's Journey:
a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.
b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points Cheap Air Jordan Shoes , mid point and so on.
c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically Cheap Jordan Shoes Youth , allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.
and more...
Sample Movie Deconstructed: Ghostbusters (1984)
FADE IN: the antagonism: the ghosts in the library.
Intro Hero; his character and Ordinary World: Peter favoring the blonde during psychic testing; electric shocks.
Introduce Ally: Ray excited about the psychic activity in the library.
Crossing into the First Threshold: going to the library.
Meeting Allies: Spengler in the library.
Threshold Guardian: the Director greets them..
Strange Creatures of the First Threshold: ?it had arms??
Characteristics of this World: downstairs; the weird book stacking; the ectoplasmic residue etc?
Inner Cave: the ghost, ?get her??
Foreshadow of the adventure: ?we have a chance actually catching a ghost??
Forced off the First Threshold: their grant is terminated.
Foreboding: this is bad; no chance of getting into MIT etc.
Physical Separation: they'll start their own business.
Journey to the World of the Transformation: they re-mortgage Ray's house. Cynicism: Ray and Spengler unsure.
Entering the World of the Transformation: taking the office.
Foreshadow of the Antagonism: the gargoyle.
Meeting the Romantic Challenge: Dana.
Meeting the Idiot: Louis.
Idiot's challenge: Louis hitting on Dana.
Developing the Antagonism: the eggs pop out; Dana opens the fridge.
The World of the Transformation: the sign; the new car; the secretary etc.
Developing the characters; Ray and Spengler: ?I collect spores Cheap Jordan Shoes Womens , moulds and fungus.?
Hero and his Romantic Challenge: Dana walks in and meets Peter.
Guided toward the Road of Trials `Transformation: Dana tells the boys of her experience; they make plans.
Hero and Romantic Challenge Polarization: Peter in Dana's apartment; ?he's more like a game show host.?
Time Pressure: 'this magnificent feast is the last of petty cash.
Journey to the Transformation: journey to the hotel:
Threshold Guardian: the hotel manager.
Creatures in the World of the Transformation: the old man; guest.
Warnings: they haven't tested this equipment.
Fish out of water; entering clumsily; they fire the ray guns accidentally.
Transformation Trial 1: (in the hotel) Ray attacks the blob; Peter gets slimed; they drop the chandelier.
Magical Gift: don't cross the beams.
Completing Transformation 1: catching the blob.
Transformation Trial 2: the manager won't pay the bill.
Transformation Trial 3: the news reports; lots of activity; Larry King sequence; they become Ghostbusters.
Shape Shifter: Winston applies for a job.
Seizing the Sword: Peter gets a date with Dana.
Foreshadow of the Magic Flight: Winston is taught about the containment unit.
Foreshadow of the Near Death Experience: the secretary threatens to quit.
Near Death Experience: Walter Peck of the EPA threatens to shut them down.
Foreshadow of the Atonement: Spengler is worried; the Twinkie sequence; Peter tells the others that the EPA visited.
Atonement with the Father: the statues crack; the creatures kidnap Dana and Louis.
Apotheosis: Peter finds Dana possessed; Spengler et al find the Key Master; Zuul is coming.
Foreshadow of the Ultimate Boon: Ray becomes suspicious about Dana's apartment building; discussing Revelation; Judgement Day.
Refusal: do not turn down the containment unit.
Magic Flight: the contained creatures escape and make havoc in the city.
Ultimate Boon: Dana's building is the focal point of the return.
Developing the Antagonism: the Key Master meets the Gate Keeper.
Rescue from Without: the mayor gets the Ghostbusters out of jail; convincing the mayor.
Crossing the Return Threshold: given a police escort to Dana's building; standing ovation etc.
Master of the Two Worlds Final Conflict: defeating Zuul and the Marshmallow Man [see FINAL CONFLICT].
Learn more?
The Complete 188 stage Hero's Journey and other story structure templates can be found at can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.
Kal Bishop
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