The most popular misguided beliefs when dieting is to think we should have to eat exclusive food groups in order to shed weight. All this really does is deprive us from the essential vitamins and minerals our body need to function. Everybody wants a strong Cheap Marcus Morris Jersey , fit and healthy body and this is only achieved from a well -rounded, well balanced diet. Here we expel a few common myths when it comes to losing weight. Myth 1: We should only eat certain food groups. Wrong. Many diets, crash diets in particular will advise cutting out particular food groups or only eating food from one food group. Our bodies cannot run on one kind type of food, we need a well- balanced, varied diet in order to stay healthy. We need a bit of fat, a bit of protein Cheap Dennis Smith Jr. Jersey , vegetables, plenty of water, some carbohydrates and fibre. Even some of the so-called ‘bad’ foods our body will require some of those, if only in moderation but nothing should be cut out completely. Fruits, grains, nuts and seeds are also essential for a strong immune system which will ward of illness and keep you healthy.
Myth 2: You are only able to get protein from meat. This is not true. Fruits Cheap Patrick Ewing Jersey , veggies, grains, nuts, legumes and oils all contain protein. Meat is actually high in fat and sodium, particularly red meats which if eaten excessively is not good for cholesterol levels. While it does contain protein; not as much as originally thought. Grains, oils Cheap Carmelo Anthony Jersey , legumes and nuts actually contain more. Our body needs about 30 grams of protein a day so as you can see, you do not have to eat nothing but meat to get your daily quota.
Myth 3: To lose weight, eliminate the fat. Our bodies actually need some fat to function properly; it allows the muscles and joints to work smoothly. What you need to steer clear of are hydrogenated fats, good nutritious health giving fats consist of avocados, olive oil and raw nuts. Myth 4: You have to go without to lose weight. Women on average should not consume any fewer calories than 1,200 a day and men generally should eat no less than 1 Walt Frazier Jersey ,800 calories a day. Instead of snacking on high fat, high sugar foods, if you literally ate as much fruit and vegetables as you could manage, you would not only be satisfied and not hungry but it will have no bearing on your weight. The best way to lose weight is to eat foods as naturally as you can, with no added sugar or preservatives and cut out the unnecessary fats and simply eat what your body requires and no more, you will lose weight Anthony Mason Jersey , stay healthy and live longer.
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Online Poker Cheats: Beware Of Internet Players Cheating Via Collusion
Posted by nick_niesen on October 26th, 2010
Almost every poker player has run into a cheater at one time or another. Cheaters usually have little or no skill at the game Tracy McGrady Jersey , but are very good at manipulating the cards to their advantage, and at giving themselves unfair advantages over honest players. Where honest players spend their time learning all they can about the game, cheaters spend their time honing their cheating skills, and looking for new cheats to learn. They make minimal effort to advance their game in honest ways.
The method that is easiest for the cheater is collusion. It is very hard to catch a player in the cheat of collusion, and it is next to impossible to prove. Collusion occurs when two or more poker players will secretly work together at the same poker table. They usually plan to merge and split their winnings once the game is over, thereby often enabling them to double their winnings. There is little skill necessary on the part of the cheater to be able to pull this off. Collusion does pose a large threat to the other players at the table.
Players that are in collusion may do several different things to help each other during the game. They may get together beforehand and decide that one of them will distract the other players at the table John Starks Jersey , so that the other, who will probably be the next dealer, may stack the deck in their favor.
When players are acting together in collusion, one player may flash their hand so that the other player can see it. This lets the other player know what cards that player has, so that they can help them in anyway possible to win the hand.
Occasionally, the players in collusion may speak a different language than the other players at the table. They will use this to their advantage Julius Randle Jersey , as they can discuss the game without the other players becoming too suspicious of their actions. This may also be used as a method of distraction, getting the other players to lose focus on their games, in turn giving the players in collusion further advantage.
Sometimes, players that are in collusion will have signals they secretly give each other during the game. Other players most likely will not recognize the signals for what they are. They may use signals to let the other player know how strong their hand is, or they may also use signals when placing bets.
Sandwiching occurs when the only players left at the table are the two that are in collusion, and one presumably honest player. It is to the benefit of the cheaters to bet back and forth with each other Marcus Morris Jersey , which will force the other player to see their bets or fold. Cheaters will use this to make their pot bigger, so that they will have more earnings to split at the end of the game. If the colluders place maximum bets, the other player will usually be bullied out of the game.