TRAINING PRINCIPLE #3 Training PERCEPTION. Part 3 of 3 of How to Put Your Training on Cruise-Control.
Attaining top management support is like being issued an E-ZPass for tolls; you now have the green light to proceed and be welcomed Kris Letang Womens Jersey , but not necessarily accepted. Acceptance is earned by the work you perform and the value you add to the organization. But, like anything else in life ? perception is reality.
If you want to be perceived as the person with the answers, then you need to have the answers.
When questions are asked about return on investment, or "Will we retain employees and reduce turnover?" - as trainers Derek Grant Womens Jersey , we absolutely have to have the answers; we are expected to be resources for this information.
It is imperative that as a training administrator we continuously forecast and project the future training needs of our company.
When we do this, we market the importance of delivering quality training and how it impacts our business, our employees and our lives. And we market "OUR" importance as well.
Knowledge Is Not Power.
My goal has always been to translate response into results. Some trainers teach for others to learn. That's never been me. While I acknowledge it's importance, "learning" isn't the key to anything really. Knowledge isn't power. Applied knowledge is power. Some trainers teach for others to accomplish. That is me.
It is our job to help others understand what must be done to organize and prepare our employees. It is our job to know what tools are available that could have the right type of impact Bryan Rust Womens Jersey , when it's needed.
As trainers, we invest our lives cultivating our people into a responsible, productive workforce. If we believe in the idea that human resources are the foundation of a sound business system, then it is our responsibility to position Justin Schultz Womens Jersey , promote and fortify our training program every step of the way.
Learn your company's business objectives and initiatives; then create a program that aligns itself accordingly, improving the overall effectiveness or your organization and its employees - and they'll never doubt you......
We've written a Special Report that outlines for you in great detail - how to systematically design a system that will revolutionize the way you deliver your training program. We'll also walk you through, a step by step executive plan on how to prove a measurable and justifiable ROI.
If you're not ready to step forward and make a claim - that's fine. The report will help you when you are.
Get the report today even if you're not in the market for a training system. The report will prove to be useful to you either way.
Call 1-877-791-4367 ext 805 for a Free Recorded Message.
Many believe that poverty is the reason for evil. Indeed there may be a basis for this comment, yet is it really the reason for evil? Recently sitting down with a group of folks in a little town on a not so busy cross roads in the middle of nowhere Olli Maatta Womens Jersey , we started talking about poverty and someone said that; Poverty is the Reason for Evil.
Now then as I interject those truisms to their finding that ?poverty? is the reason for evil, which is evident from observation, we must also admit that abundance makes humans weak and free from want and as many a former great civilization can attest decadent. Is abundance ?evil? too? And if abundance is evil and poverty is also evil then what is good? Is there no ?good? only evil? Or is it the individual, which needs to take responsibility to them selves?
A life experience of one who has nothing is not necessarily unfulfilled and a person who has ?no thing? is not necessarily seared from their purpose. Blooming where you are planted is practically a universal fact of life; in fact the famous ?Jurassic Park? quote by the DNA scientist was; ?Life will find a way!?
Poverty is not evil in its self Mario Lemieux Womens Jersey , nor is it the cause. Evil is something that humans seem to develop along with hate. It is unfortunate indeed. However there are wealthy evil do?ers and poverty stricken murderers. Is economic status truly the end all be all for labeling of good or evil. Think on this in 2006.
What Yoga Exercise Do For You!
Posted by nick_niesen on October 26th, 2010
Yoga loosens up large muscles, so they aren't stressing smaller muscles and bones resulting in injuries. It also loosens up joints and improves circulation, which is good for health.
The procedure is to go through a contortion which stretches the large muscles causing them to loosen up. As the largest muscles loosen up Sidney Crosby Womens Jersey , the force shifts to smaller muscles. If the position is held too long, a small muscle could get injured.