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The London Evening Standard has dubbed Maya Fiennes as 鈥淵oga鈥檚 Messiah.鈥?This is because this classical concert pianist turned yoga teacher has helped thousands of people find wellness, inner peace, and confidence through her own brand of Kundalini Yoga. This form of yoga enables interested students Authentic Charlie Morton Jersey , to experience lessons through her many books and Maya Fiennes DVDs that incorporates her music into the practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Who is Maya Fiennes?
Maya Fiennes is one of the most in-demand yoga instructors in the world, even sought by celebrities such as Sienna Miller. Maya was born in Macedonia, Greece. In the early 1990s, she came to England to pursue her dreams of becoming a classical pianist. After completing her training Authentic Kevin Kiermaier Jersey , she played for audiences such as the United Nations Assembly. She was also invited to provide private recitals for members of the Royal Family. In 1995, her debut album, 鈥淐ross of Silence,鈥?was met with critical acclaim. In 2006 Authentic Avisail Garcia Jersey , she released her first CD, Mayaspace, which combines music and mantras. In 2007, she released her first DVD as well as first TV show on Body in Balance Authentic Wade Boggs Jersey , 鈥淛ourney through the Chakras.鈥?The episodes are available in a 3-set Maya Fiennes DVD of the same title.
Maya Fiennes has practiced all types of yoga for years, but it was while completing her training at London鈥檚 Royal College of Music that she discovered Kundalini Yoga and its calming effects on her before a performance. In 2003, Maya decided to earn her certification in teaching Kundalini Yoga. She went to the Karam Kriya School in London for a year. Her teacher was Shiv Charan Singh.
Maya is currently based in Los Angeles, CA. She also practices and provides Kundalini Yoga lessons to students Authentic Evan Longoria Jersey , at her studio there.
The Maya Difference: Sound Healing
Maya discovered that there鈥檚 music for every set of emotions released by a particular posture, so instead of using typical mantras, Maya uses her original music. Maya discovered that this works better in helping a student reach a new level of awareness and relaxation. Using her musical background, she would spend time choosing the music that would compliment a particular posture. Those who can鈥檛 join Maya鈥檚 yoga classes can enjoy her unique brand of yoga through her Maya Fiennes DVD selection.
You can learn more about Maya Fiennes and her unique style of Kundalini Yoga by visiting . Yoga Technology offers a full lineup Maya Fiennes DVD Charlie Morton Jersey , CDs, and books for fans and students of Mrs. Fiennes.